The South African Tobacco Organisation seeks to bring reform within the tobacco industry in the republic of South Africa for the better. We believe that through good governance, good business practice and the united support of the people of South Africa, the tobacco industry may strengthen its already valuable and significant contribution to the local economy.
The tobacco industry, on a global level, with the introduction of vape and alternate smoking devices such as heat not burn tobacco, is at the very beginning of an evolution. The laws, smoking related behaviours, and the economies will begin to see dramatic change. Our aim is to provide support to all industry related matters to the public, our members, and government organizations.
What we stand for
The south African tobacco organisation strives to create more equal and fair market in a market that has been heavily dominated by multinationals. We do this in an attempt to empower African owned manufacturers. We are an African organisation for African companies. With this we hope that less money will be lost from African economies to these multinational corporations. Many of these companies make a point of highlighting the good things that they do for Africa however in reality their popularity and prominence here means dominion over the African market with a heavy hand in our economy which ultimately benefits them more than it does Africa. There is nothing holding Africa back from having a hand and a say in these matters. We strive to stimulate a sense of pride in African products among Africans by destroying the idea that African products are by default sub-par to the international brands.